
देश के नेताओ के अनुसार भारत के करोडो लोग गरीबी की रेखा से बाहर आ गए हैं इसका क्या मतलब है ?

  देश के नेताओ के अनुसार भारत के करोडो लोग गरीबी की रेखा से    बाहर   आ गए हैं इसका क्या मतलब है ?  और लोग कैसे    बाहर   आ गए है ? इसका मापदंड क्या है ?  जब देश के नेता यह कहते हैं कि "भारत के करोड़ों लोग गरीबी की रेखा से बाहर आ गए हैं," इसका मतलब यह है कि अब वे लोग उस आर्थिक स्थिति में नहीं हैं जिसे गरीबी के तौर पर परिभाषित किया जाता है। गरीबी की रेखा से बाहर आना दर्शाता है कि वे लोग अपनी बुनियादी जरूरतें (जैसे भोजन, कपड़े, और आश्रय) पूरी करने में सक्षम हो गए हैं और उनकी आय गरीबी की रेखा से ऊपर हो गई है। ### गरीबी की रेखा का मापदंड: गरीबी की रेखा का मापदंड आमतौर पर सरकार या अंतरराष्ट्रीय संगठनों द्वारा तय किया जाता है। इसमें निम्नलिखित चीज़ों पर ध्यान दिया जाता है: 1. **आय (Income):** गरीबी की रेखा को मापने का सबसे सामान्य तरीका है व्यक्ति या परिवार की आय। भारत में यह एक निश्चित रकम होती है, जिसे तय किया जाता है कि जो लोग इससे कम कमाते हैं, उन्हें गरीब माना जाता है।         उदाहरण: 2011 में भारतीय योजना आयोग ने गरीबी की रेखा शहरी इलाकों के लिए प्रति व्यक्ति प्रतिदिन ₹32 और

What is your overall investment philosophy in the Indian market?

  What is your overall investment philosophy in the Indian market? INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY ALWAYS GIVES GROWTH.. DON'T SAVE MONEY, INVEST IT WISELY  My overall investment philosophy for the Indian market revolves around a few key principles: 1. **Long-Term Value Investing**: I emphasize identifying companies with strong fundamentals, competitive advantages, and consistent growth potential. I focus on sectors that are crucial to India's long-term economic growth, like technology, infrastructure, and consumer goods. 2. **Diversification**: Diversification across sectors and asset classes is crucial to reduce risk. I believe in holding a well-balanced portfolio that includes large-cap blue-chip companies, mid-cap growth stocks, and even small-cap opportunities with high potential. 3. **Research-Driven**: I rely heavily on deep market research, understanding the financial health of companies, industry trends, and macroeconomic factors like GDP growth, inflation, and government polic

What is Google Adsense Algorithm ?

 What is Google Adsense Algorithm ? Google AdSense algorithm is a sophisticated system that decides which ads to display on websites using the AdSense program. It is designed to optimize ad placement and ensure that ads are relevant to the content of the webpage, the audience, and the advertiser's goals. Here’s how the Google AdSense algorithm works: ### 1. **Content Relevance:**    The algorithm scans the webpage's content to understand the topic and keywords. It matches these with relevant ads that are more likely to appeal to the visitors of the website. ### 2. **User Behavior:**    The algorithm analyzes user behavior, such as their search history, browsing patterns, and interests (using cookies and browsing data). This helps deliver personalized ads that align with individual preferences. ### 3. **Ad Auction:**    When a page is loaded, an auction happens in real-time where advertisers bid to display their ads. The algorithm selects the highest-paying and most relevant ad

What is GOOGLE Algoritham ?

  What  is  GOOGLE  Algoritham ?  Google's algorithm refers to a complex system used to retrieve data from its search index and instantly deliver the best possible results for a query. Google's search algorithm considers hundreds of factors when ranking websites on its search engine results pages (SERPs). These factors help determine the relevance, quality, and authority of web content to provide the most useful and accurate information to users. ### Key Components of Google’s Algorithm 1. **Crawling and Indexing**:     - Google’s bots (also known as spiders or crawlers) continuously browse the web to find new or updated pages. They store information from these pages in a massive index, which serves as the database for search results. 2. **Ranking Factors**:    Google's algorithm uses a variety of factors to rank search results. Some key factors include:    - **Relevance**: The content must match the search query in terms of keywords and context.    - **Quality**: Google lo

If you Bankrupt How will you come up again ?

 If you Bankrupt How will  you come up again ? ### **Rising from the Ashes: A Blueprint to Rebuild After Bankruptcy** Bankruptcy. Just the word can stir feelings of shame, fear, and helplessness. For many, it marks the lowest point of their financial journey. But here's the truth: bankruptcy is not the end. It’s a reset button, a financial restart that, if approached wisely, can be the beginning of a life far more prosperous than before. The key is not in avoiding the fall, but in how you rise after it. This article is designed to give you a unique blueprint for rebuilding your life after bankruptcy, providing steps that aren’t the usual advice you’d find scattered across the internet. Get ready to reshape your future and climb higher than you ever thought possible. ### **Chapter 1: The Shift in Mindset – Rewiring Your Mental Framework** The first and most critical step in coming back from bankruptcy is not about the financial strategies you adopt but the mental ones. It’s about ma


  WHY WE SHOULD OPT FINANCIAL LITERACY SUBJECT IN OUR SCHOOLS WORLDWIDE ? Opting for financial literacy as a subject in schools worldwide is essential for several key reasons: ### 1. **Empowering Students with Life Skills** Financial literacy teaches practical life skills, such as budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt, which are crucial for financial well-being. By learning these concepts early, students are better equipped to handle real-world financial challenges. ### 2. **Preventing Debt and Financial Mistakes** Many young adults enter adulthood without a proper understanding of personal finance, leading to poor decisions like accumulating high-interest debt or failing to save for emergencies. A formal financial education can reduce the risk of these mistakes, fostering responsible financial behavior. ### 3. **Promoting Economic Stability** Financially literate individuals make informed decisions, which collectively leads to a more stable economy. People who understand ho

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What is TENSION ? Describe here briefly . Must Read Everyone.

Where does 'tension' word comes from ? 'Why word tension' attracts everyone ? Why small childrens uses word 'tension' unintentionally ? and what will it affect their future? Actually there is no word exist 'tension'. because it is a different form of 'worry'.  The word "tension" has its origins in Latin. It stems from the Latin word "tensio," which means "a stretching." This Latin term eventually evolved into "tensio" in medieval Latin and Old French, and later transformed into "tension" in English. The concept of tension refers to the state of being stretched or strained, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally. It is often used to describe the feeling of stress, pressure, or unease that arises from conflicting forces or expectations. In physics, tension specifically refers to the force exerted by a stretched object, such as a rope or cable, when it is pulled from both ends. This usage

A Comprehensive Guide to Mutual Funds: Understanding, Opening, and Investing

  A Comprehensive Guide to Mutual Funds: Understanding, Opening, and Investing Mutual funds have long been hailed as a cornerstone of modern investing, offering individuals access to professionally managed portfolios without the need for substantial capital or market expertise. In this article, we'll delve into the fundamentals of mutual funds, step-by-step instructions on how to open a mutual fund account and explore the various avenues available for investors to get started. Understanding Mutual Funds: At its core, a mutual fund is a pooled investment vehicle that gathers money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities. This pooling of resources allows investors to access a broader range of assets than they might be able to afford individually, spreading risk across various investments. Mutual funds offer several advantages, including diversification, professional management, and liquidity. By investing in a mutual fund, i